Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 12 months

  • Children will make many different sounds together, as though really talking, especially when they are playing alone.
  • Children will imitate or use gestures, like waving “bye-bye”.
  • Children will say several real words, like “mama”, “dada”, or “ba” for “baby” or “caca” for cracker.
  • Children will follow simple instructions like “Come here.”
  • Children will understand some words when they are accompanied by gestures, like “give me” when you are also holding out your hand.
  • Children will point to objects that they want or that they want to show you.
  • Children will start to imitate animal sounds.
  • Children will enjoy social games like “peek-a-boo” and will let you know that they want to play it over and over again.
How to make daily routines into language learning opportunities:
  • All children need to have a variety of experiences, even when they are very young and are just beginning to talk.
  • Language learning happens all day long. If you talk to children while you are doing what you do every day, you are helping them to learn new words.
  • Every time children look at something, bring you something or show interest in something, give them the appropriate word. They will only learn words if they hear them regularly.
  • Use specific works. Instead of every vehicle being a truck, give them the right word (eg. “digger”, “dump truck”). Children can learn new words, if they hear them.
  • When you are doing the laundry, words like “in” and “out” can be repeated. You can never say a word too many times. Children need a lot of repetition to learn new words.
  • During feeding time, dressing time and bath time, talk to children about things they show interest in. Give them the words that they need now that they are starting to talk.
  • You can repeat words such as “on” and “off” during dressing time and words like “wet” and “splash” at bath time. Remember to use gestures, along with the words. Pat the water when you say “splash” and emphasize the on and off movements when putting clothing on or taking it off.
  • Using gestures helps children to see, as well as, hear the words. Add gestures to every word you use, if possible.
  • Make reading part of your daily routine. Children will enjoy sharing a book with you, before nap time and bed time. Encourage children to look at the book by drawing their attention to the pictures. Books about animals and objects that children see at home, are good books to help children learn. Library story times provide wonderful opportunities for children to hear different stories and to understand that visits to the library can provide great adventures.

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